Doing Business
The Housing Authority of Cook County has plenty of opportunities for vendors to bid on. Our online procurement system has comprehensive information about all outstanding bids. We look forward to working with you!
New Electronic Procurement System
The HACC Department of Procurement Services is pleased to announce its new Electronic Procurement System. This new system utilizes a more efficient process that will enable us to better document communication between the Housing Authority of Cook County and vendors.

Working With HACC
If your company already exists in the system, you will need to follow instructions to sign up as a salesperson for your company. If the company is not in the system yet, you will be able to register it. If you have any technical questions pertaining to the registration process, please call customer support at 1-866-526-9266, or email customer support at [email protected]. Staff is available from 8:00 am CST to 6:00 pm CST.
The following instructions are to be used on the E-procurement Portal. Click the button saying “View Open Bids”. Click on “Register Your Company”. Enter your company name and click on “Search Companies”.
If no company was found, click on “Click here to create a new one”. (If your company was found, follow instructions to sign up as a salesperson for your company. You will submit and once the contact person that had signed up previously for your company verifies your information, you will then be emailed a password)
Fill out all required fields with information about your company on the first page, check off all commodity/service codes on the next page. Once you receive a thank you for registering page, click on “Continue”. Click blue log-in button located in the upper left hand area.
Enter your email address and password to enter our marketplace. You will be prompted to check a site usage agreement before entering our Marketplace. Once you check this box and click submit, you will then be allowed to enter.
If our Housing Authority comes up when you enter our marketplace, click on the request and follow instructions. If you enter on any other page, click on scan requests by agency on the left hand menu area, locate and click on our Housing Authority. From there you will be able to view any live bids along with following directions to download documents and instructions on how to submit your response.
Section 3 Resources
The Housing Authority of Cook County (HACC) is committed to helping the residents of its public housing communities, its Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) holders, and other qualified low-income persons residing in the Cook County area to attain their goals of self-sufficiency.
The purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by certain HUD financial assistance shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income residents, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing, and to business concerns that provide economic opportunities to low and very low-income persons.
HUD Section 3 registry – search for a business.

View Section 3 Forms, here.
How to Get Started
Access our procurement system to see all open bids.